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“生命之光”系列学术报告 (十二)
发布时间:2019-07-30 作者: 浏览次数:597

题 目:Deciphering the RNA machine; non-coding RNAs and RNA modifications in plants

主 讲:Iain Searle, The University of Adelaide

地 点:科技创新大楼学术报告厅

时 间:2019年7月31日下午3点

报告摘要: Around 99% of all transcriptional output in higher organisms is non-coding RNA. RNA-mediated gene regulation is widespread in higher eukaryotes and complex genetic phenomena like RNA interference, to give one example. Although proteins are the fundamental effectors of many RNAs and cellular function, the basis of eukaryotic complexity and phenotypic variation may lie primarily in a system of trans-acting RNAs that relay state information required for the coordination and modulation of gene expression, examples include chromatin remodelling, RNA–DNA, RNA–RNA and RNA–protein interactions. Furthermore, it is now rapidly emerging that cellular RNAs are highly decorated with chemical modifications and these modifications sculpt RNA function. I will present our data on the identification of the complexity of non-coding RNAs and the RNA modification 5-methylcytosine in Arabidopsis thaliana.
